Christmas Tree Facts

Christmas Tree Facts You Should Know

At the end of each year, when all the green wreaths are already hung on the doors and the houses are emitting joyful light, then, along with the snow, the smell of baked turkey and fruit cake, the main guest of the holiday comes — the Christmas tree Brooklyn.

People have met it every time. But we bet there are numerous things that we do not know yet about our wooden friend.

Let us go to cut to the chase, test yourself and read the Christmas tree facts below:

1) Around the 17th century, when the festive tradition was just beginning, the tree was decorated with nuts, fruits, flowers, but most often with candles. Back then, our green friends were constantly causing fires. Over time, it became common to notice a bucket of water near the tree.

2) The sale of the first Christmas tree decorations dates back to 1880.

3) In Palestine, instead of the spruces or pines, they are decorated with palm trees.

All these facts are incredible, but if we talk about the Christmas tree interesting facts, then here are the most exciting ones:

1) It is believed that X-mas ornaments have acquired their usual round shape for a reason. Initially, people saw in them those same heavenly apples from the Bible.

2) For modern electric garlands, we should thank a man named Edward Johnson, who helped Thomas Addison with his work. In 1882, he invented them by accident. Already in 1890, two scientists presented small light bulbs as a consumer product and, unexpectedly, discovered that it was a way to make money for old rope.

Have you ever heard about Queen Victoria’s influence on X-mas popularity? Let us tell some facts about the Victorian Christmas tree:

In 1846, this ruler, along with her husband and children, was depicted on the sides of the main attribute of Noel. Thus, it became a trend of the time, and soon a great tradition.

As for the Christmas tree farming facts, they clearly show how significant efforts are made by agronomists to make our holiday better. For example:

1) Did you know that on average a tree is looked after for about 8-15 years before it reaches our homes? Moreover, workers of the plantation must continuously compare the symmetry of the spruces according to the standard and monitor the beauty of their tops.

2) Another interesting thing is that without human intervention, spruce lives for 300-400 years.

3) Just as we know and what is really amazing, according to Wikipedia, the oldest known tree of this species is 9550 years old.

4) In all states of America, without exception, Christmas trees are grown especially for this high day. Even in Hawaii.

We’ve also collected few Christmas tree facts for kids, which help you enhance the X-mas feeling for them:

1) In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was popular in Germany to hang a Christmas tree on the ceiling.

2) At the end of the holiday, you can safely eat the tree! This is not a joke, because spruce and pine needles and cones have a lot of medicinal properties. The material is suitable for making teas, wines, and even jams that strengthen the immune system.

Funny facts about the Christmas tree that we swear you don’t know:

1) Even before the Nativity, evergreen trees were a symbol of the feast of the arrival of winter.

2) Recently, on the ball pet owners around the world more and more often have to close trees in cages and spread citrus fruits around them. This is the only way they can protect their green friend from the cat’s sabotage.

We invite you to share this article and test the knowledge of your friends. Happy Holidays!