The Difference

Self Esteem Vs. Self Efficacy: What Is The Difference?

There are usually plenty of questions around self esteem and self efficacy terms. Many people use these concepts interchangeably, but they might be mistaken. The truth is that these are both different terms, typically linked with each other. Awareness of the primary difference between self esteem and self efficacy can significantly change the individuals` perception of themselves. Let’s compare these terms in the article. But before this, check out the self efficacy definition in our psychology dictionary.

What is self-esteem?

You probably hear about high self-esteem and low self-esteem. Generally, self-esteem is associated with a conception that marks an individual’s opinion about themselves. In fact, there is no universal measurement of self-esteem, although a person’s behavior and perception often indicate whether it is high or low. Think about this term as a mirror where people can see their strengths and weaknesses. Individuals with high self-esteem tend to consider themselves hardworking, friendly, and kind, while those with low self-esteem believe someone is better than themselves; such individuals are usually shy and uncommunicative.

Self-efficacy at the glance

The term self-efficacy is correlated to self-esteem and means a person’s belief in their own abilities to reach success regardless of any obstacles. This feeling usually accumulates as you gain new skills or expertise throughout your life. Whether an individual poses a belief in their attributions to master or learn various things and they are self-confident and have clear self-evaluation, we can say they have developed high self-efficacy. Meanwhile, someone with low self-efficacy is typically more prone to be afraid of risks and uncertainty and is followed by a permanent feeling of failure.

Is self esteem and self efficacy the same thing?

The difference between these concepts is worth mentioning when it comes to self-esteem vs. self-efficacy. Self-esteem appears as a permanent inner feeling. At the same time, self-efficacy is a concept that mostly depends on the person’s work performance and an ability to cope with various tasks. A person comprehending the difference between these feelings is usually aware that a failure or success of a single challenge won’t impact their self-esteem. So, is self efficacy the same as self esteem? No really. If these terms were interchangeable, you would likely feel great today and terrible tomorrow when you don’t have the resources or abilities to cope with a specific task.

How self esteem affects self efficacy?

To tell the truth, self esteem has a solid relation to self efficacy. In most cases, both these feelings influence a person’s failure and progress in life and efforts they make to reach particular life goals. Individuals with low self efficacy usually won’t make efforts to complete a task, unlike those with high self efficacy. Similarly, someone with low self esteem is likely to be more critical of themselves than someone with high self esteem. You might be surprised that self efficacy has the potential to predict self esteem in people.